You Hide and I Won’t seek! Devil Be Gone!


I guess my post yesterday didn’t reach the God’s of protection, because today my ex-husband found me on Facebook and made sure I knew he knows everything about me and where I am. I am so proud of myself, I stood my ground and showed no fear. He said he only needed our marriage/divorce dates for the VA and he would leave me alone. Like I believed that, I burned anything about him years ago I didn’t want his benefits, I just wanted to get away.Ā  He used a alternator to bash my head into the side of the car because it quit working. He would wake me up and beat me in front of his friends who would be witnesses that I started the fight, then call the police on me, I was young and skinny, I was scared for my boys and pissed that the military just slapped his wrist each time I ended up in the ER.Ā  For such a beautiful face and such a smooth talker, he was pure evil. I should have run when my dad liked him. Stupid me for believing in love, but I did blindly, I still believe but I don’t do anything blindly where the heart is concerned. I told him that I would like it if he never contacted us again, that he was married again and should be happy and have a wonderful life with her. We are the past and needed to stay there, he agreed. I don’t trust him, I told my mom so if she sees any cars hanging around just call the police.Ā  According to him he is 3 states away, I will be cautious but I am calm, I will not let him bully me ever again. I am more afraid of my body wanting him again, that is what scares me most, I have chosen to be abstinent since I left in 1992. I wish I knew what to do, I can’t even send a prayer request on Facebook, because even though I blocked him, he got in. He is a good stalker and hacker, so this is my only outlet for now, I hope none of you mind. I am glad my dogs hate men. Police won’t do anything until he does.

Always Smile, Never let them see your fear!
Don’t give anyone power over you, only you can take charge of your life.

Posted from WordPress for Android

10 thoughts on “You Hide and I Won’t seek! Devil Be Gone!

    1. Thank you Jonathan, it took me over 8 years to walk again when I was told I never would. I thanked that doctor because if you tell me I can’t I will just to prove you wrong. And I Did! I have a strong will to live to help others and smile no matter what. He is a very bad man, but I am a better woman and I will win. Wonder Woman!


  1. I am so sorry you had to go through that and that he contacted you again. I left an abusive marriage of 13 yrs back in October of last year… managed 6 months of no contact with him only to have him contact me recently. They just never go away! Bless you that you are a strong woman with a strong will!


    1. Dearest loricarlson66, thank you for your response. I am truly sorry that there are many abusive people in this world and that you and I had to meet them. But you are a strong woman for taking your first step in leaving, be brave and stand your ground, save your fears for when you are alone. Most bullies have to put others down to make themselves feel big, they do things to hurt you, if you don’t show a reaction they tend to move on to the next victim. I taught myself to smile when I’m afraid or hurt and people freak out when I can laugh covered in blood. I believe we create our own strength that each of us have deep inside ourselves to survive, we just have to find it and use it to our best advantage. Find your strength, I’m here should you need to talk.

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      1. You’re welcome for the response… and thank you for your wise words.. I shall strive to heed them šŸ™‚ if you need to talk, I am here as well šŸ™‚ Blessings!

        Liked by 1 person

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